
So long, Oklahoma

I'm sitting on the couch in my parents house wondering how this past week has already come and gone. The past few days have been nothing but a whirlwind of emotions. If you saw our house on Wednesday, you would have had no idea we were about to move in just a few days. Minus a few boxes scattered here and there, our house was still in order, and so were our lives. Now everything just seems jumbled.

When Thursday rolled around, three strangers entered our home, and threw our lives into boxes, while I sat on the couch and watched...quite literally.


After a hard days work of packing, our house was completely boxed up, and we were off to a fancy awards dinner with Johns class.

On Friday, they loaded a truck with all of our goods, and sent our stuff off to St. Louis, where we hope it will greet us come August.

In a matter of seconds it seemed, we no longer lived in our cute little vintage home.  It was completely empty, and just like that, Oklahoma wasn't home anymore.

By Saturday, I was trying to entertain my overly tired little boy, while watching John get hooded to become the newest dentist in our family. He has worked so hard these last four years, and seeing him walk up on stage made me teary eyed. I felt like a very proud wife.

Meanwhile, 60 new dentists were busting a move to the Harlem shake, in a mini flash mob on stage.

And on Sunday, we woke up far earlier than one cares to, thanks to that same little boy, and got ready (thanks again Kelly for letting us crash at your house, I owe you big time) and headed to church like we normally would any other week. Only this time, we knew we'd never be coming back to this ward, to all these familiar faces, to some of our dearest friends.

After an emotional morning spent in the presence of these people I never want to forget, I headed straight to the airport, while John and his parents got in the car, all headed for the first stop of this crazy summer, Utah.

And now, here I sit, at my parents house, with tears in my eyes, and only memories left of a place I never wanted to love, but I did. Of a place I couldn't wait to leave, but I already miss. And friends I hope I will never forget, and I won't.

Oklahoma was the first chapter of our lives together as two, and we left as a family of three. No matter how much I first disliked living in Oklahoma, it captured a small piece of my heart, and I will always love that funny state that most people venture to and oddly enough, never want to leave. But leave we did, because we have a new journey, and a new adventure to embark on with the Air Force. And I only hope we can love every place we will experience over the next five years just as much, starting first with St. Louis.


A Party. A Celebration. A Fiesta

 When you have a Cinco de Mayo baby, it seems a crime not to throw a fiesta for him. So, throw a fiesta we did. Full of delicious food. Amazing friends. And a baby in a sombrero. What more could a party need? A piñata maybe? Don't worry, we had one of those, too.

Thanks pinterest for most of the ideas, and my husband who helped execute it all. This party would have been a total failure without them.



Happy Birthday, Preston

I don't know how it happened, but somehow these last 12 months have come and gone, and I now have a one year old. A one year old who loves to point to the light whenever you ask him where it is. Who loves to grab at your face when you have glasses on, and proudly say "glasses" as he tries to rib them off your face. Who will point and say, "hat", whenever one is on your head. Who loves his "nanas" and, as vivid as day, called out, "banana" when he saw one at church a few Sundays ago. Who is still crazy obsessed with dogs, and will get giddy and squeal with delight whenever one is in sight. Who loves to drink his "wah wah" (water) whenever he gets thirsty. Who occasionally will say "please" to anything and everything you're eating when he wants some, too. If please isn't said, it's usually a scream, in the form of a tantrum. Who has nearly mastered standing on his own, but won't let himself take any steps solo. Who points to everything and wants to know what it is, or tell you what it is. And best of all, we have a little boy who think thinks he's the funniest thing around and loves to laugh at himself, constantly.

Happy one year baby boy, we're sure smitten by you!


May Day

My running buddy
We survived an entire month sweets free. Do you know how many birthday parties we've attended and how many times we turned down cake?! I pretty much loved it, so much so that this morning when John dove teeth first into some leftover Easter candy, a Reece's peanut buttercup to be exact, the mere thought of eating it made me feel ill. I wonder how long that will last until I'm back to consuming sugar by the spoonfuls? Hopefully a long long time because I love how I feel sans sugar overload. And to think, I have two bags of Cadbury mini eggs just waiting for me.

To stick with being healthier people, Mays goal is to workout six days a week. Sometimes we're slackers around here and only make it to the gym, or out for a run , three or four days a week. On a good week, five days, so we're upping our game this month. We're determined, amidst all of the crazy that will be going on over the next few weeks, namely graduation and moving, to look good with the help of a few added workouts to our week. Not that we're vain or anything, but swimsuit season is just around the corner, just saying... don't let snow in the forecast fool you.

Here's to a month of continued health, and hopefully tighter abs.