
Cornfields and farmland

Life has been nothing short of crazy the last few weeks. And I mean that quite literally. I think I've gone a little crazy even, which would explain why I drove off without buckling P into his carseat today. I've lost my mind. But it's ok, because hopefully sanity will find me again after we get all settle into our new life. Our new life for the next 12 months. Our new life in Illinois...or, as I like to say, St. Louis, because no one would have a clue where I was talking about if I said we were living in Shiloh, Illinois. Google it. It's small. It's ruralish. And it's going to be amazing. 

We're here. We're back together as a family. And we're beyond happy about that. Seriously, life is good. John started his program today, which really means he started a whole lot of paperwork. So, fun times for sure. We're quickly realizing there's a lot of inefficiencies in the AF. Who are we kidding though, that's the government for you, so really, there are so surprises there. 

We're currently living in temporary housing on base. Which has been interesting. Mostly I just wasn't prepared for the wakeup call at 6am over the loudspeaker this morning. That and the garbage man coming by at 5:40am. I mean, whose working that early anyway? More importantly, WHY?

We're moving into our new place tomorrow, and despite some major setbacks/turnoffs to our soon to be living conditions, we're really excited. We met half the street tonight unexpectedly, and that was enough right there to make us feel like its really where we're supposed to be. They were all so friendly and beyond helpful, it was comforting. 

So, tomorrow begins more craziness, and then, I hope we return to our settled down, normal life. Crazy's always good thorough. Spicing things up is important. 

Oh, and did I mention John is back? How I missed that man of mine. Love him a million times over. 


Lovell Family said...

So happy you guys are back together...look forward to hearing about your new place!

Xoxo Grandma said...

Dang I'm missing you guys. I hope all goes well today & you don't find too many things damaged. Wishing I was there to help with Preston. I'm sure he would have enjoyed exploring a corn field or two.

Brittany said...

How did I miss these posts? I love everything you have to say and your cute family.